Saturday, October 9, 2010

a long time ago...

my friend bret wrote this. i understand it so completely well these days:

"there's nothing new about us.

sometimes i think about friends had and's lame...i just sit here and think about why i was friends with somebody, if i was really friends with somebody, why i'm not still friends with somebody, then it dawned on me:

relationships are about learning. taking and giving. we get ourselves into relationships, be they romantic, platonic, et cetera, to learn, to gain knowledge, to realize ourselves, our goals and our lives better. and once that resource is exhausted in somebody we move on and find the next person or set of people to draw from. it sounds shitty and shallow, but it's the truth. i've gone through countless friends over the years, but only a few have really stuck, and those are the ones i'm still learning from, be it about myself, or them, or some material and tangible thing like biology, or physics...these are the ones that last. it doesn't mean the other ones weren't important, because if they weren't important or dear, we wouldn't even think about them.

it just seems like all we can do is accept the fact that we've learned from somebody, we've taken what we can from them...and hopefully, we've in turn given back everything we could.

when the time is right, or when we're needed, or when we need them...they'll come around again.

i guess when it's all said and done we leave when there's nothing new."

so, no longer will i wait and feel hurt. i will accept that nothing ever really lasts. i will live and continue learning. but, i must admit, we had a good run, didn't we?

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